[Catalyst] How to detect if the current form request is a post?

kakimoto at tpg.com.au kakimoto at tpg.com.au
Wed Apr 1 13:23:56 BST 2009

from	David Dorward <david at dorward.me.uk>

kakimoto at tpg.com.au wrote:

    Read my response. I said
    1) POST is the prefered method

Not according to the standard. Everything has its place.

--> True . That's why I used the word, "prefered" and not "compulsory" LOL

    2) using GET for a content sensitive site like an online banking site is
    bad. I m sure you would not want to have people book marking your
    session ID , or worst, the user credentials used to login and access
    certain pages which are private to the authorised user.

The session id shouldn't be in the URI, that's what cookies are for.

--> It's just an example.

Authentication credentials are an exception to the normal guideline.

But everything else? Why shouldn't I bookmark the "latest transactions"
page of my credit card account? Or the "Give me a form so I can pay my
electricity bill" page?

--> So, tell me, would you like to allow people to bookmark transaction
ID numbers or attributes which are not permanent (ie will last until a
transaction is done)?
Fact is, guidelines are there for best practices but rules are meant to
be bent when we encounter different problems/scenarios. Another factor
is the business rules. If they business doesn't want its subscribers
(for what ever business acumen/reason or perhaps to discount future
maintenance of having to put in redirects when they decommission or
rename certain URIs) to have a bookmark for them  to achieve certain
things (ie. look at their electricity bills), then POST would be the
better pick.
 Also, when POST is used , the URL on the url address bar of the browser
remains clean without the extra params.
 Again, that's just my opinion and how I observed different
organisations do things. No right or wrong - just common sense.

Good night.

K. akimoto

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