[Catalyst] Error calling table class method from Catalyst

Dennis Daupert ddaupert at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 17:54:41 GMT 2009

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Tomas Doran <bobtfish at bobtfish.net> wrote:

> You know ResultSetManager is deprecated / not recommended and scheduled f=
> deletion, right?

Tom, thanks for the information.

No, I didn't know that. Shucks.

This looks to me like the perl 5.10.0 attributes bug, which causes 'Unknown
> error' rather than a useful message.
> Can you try a different version of perl to see if it becomes more helpful?

Mmmmm, maybe in the long run it would be better to learn the preferred way
to write table class methods and call them. I'm wondering if there are some
examples somewhere on how to do this?

The errata page you pointed to suggests: "write a resultset class normally
(you may wish to look at load_namespaces() in DBIx::Class::Schema to make
this easier)"

I am not familiar with load_namespaces. I plugged it into my Schema.pm file,
replacing load_classes, but without any understanding of how to configure
it. My Catalyst app starts up, but none of the queries work. "Can't call
method "result_source" on an undefined value...."

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