[Catalyst] Re: Including a submenu

Ian Docherty catalyst at iandocherty.com
Tue Apr 7 13:41:48 GMT 2009

Matthew Topper wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 21:20:26 +1000
> Kieren Diment <kieren at diment.org> wrote:
>   =

>> Argh.  That begs the question as to why you are doing development  =

>> under apache, and not just using the built in test server for the  =

>> purpose that it's intended.
>> If the answer is that the dev server is single request and you've
>> got lots of ajax, use the HTTP::Prefork engine:
>> $ cpan Catalyst:Engine::HTTP::Prefork
>> $ CATALYST_ENGINE=3DHTTP::Preform script/myapp_server.pl
>> I can't think of a good reason to use apache for development.
>> Sanity checking immediately before deployment, yes, but  actual  =

>> development ... it's really better not to unless there's a very very  =

>> good reason (and "my manager requires that we smear ourselves in the  =

>> blood of chickens fed exclusively on virgin slugs when we come into  =

>> work every day" isn't a very good reason).
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>>     =

> Well, my post might raise a question, but it sure isn't a logical
> fallacy ;)
> I'm curious as to whether there's a technical reason not to develop
> under apache, or whether it's just bad practice (and why, if it's the
> latter). The machine isn't doing anything else, so it's not as if I'm
> disrupting other services with all of the restarting.
> To me, restarting apache isn't any more work than restarting the test
> server with the added benefit of not having to re-test everything to
> make sure it still works under apache when I'm done.  However, if
> there's a technical reason why it's a bad idea, I'd be very interested
> to know it so that I can stop doing it this way.
> Thanks,
> Matt
>   =

Using Apache (already running)

You edit a controller
You switch to browser, spend minutes wondering why your change has no =

Slap head, switch to console
Restart apache
Switch to browser
Test changes

Using test server (already running)

You edit a controller.
Test server automatically detects the change to the controller.and =

restarts (HUPs) test server
Switch to browser
Test changes

even if you don't forget to restart apache it is saving you time, time =

after time.

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