[Catalyst] Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork not used? (solved)
Neo [GC]
neo at gothic-chat.de
Tue Apr 14 13:54:30 GMT 2009
Moritz Onken schrieb:
> Am 14.04.2009 um 14:48 schrieb Neo [GC]:
>> J. Shirley schrieb:
>>> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Neo [GC] <neo at gothic-chat.de
>>> <mailto:neo at gothic-chat.de>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've read about the prefork-engine for the test-server in another
>>> thread, which could be very useful for me (our outsourced
>>> codemonkeys sometimes produce VERY SLOW controllers and together
>>> with multiple ajax-request, this means waiting ;)).
>>> About usage I found only this:
>>> $ cpan Catalyst:Engine::HTTP::Prefork
>>> $ CATALYST_ENGINE='HTTP::Prefork' script/myapp_server.pl
>>> Amazingly, this doesn't change anything at all with my app, after
>>> starting there are still only two processes (some kind of
>>> supervisor I think and the real server process) and the requests
>>> are served one-by-one. Even more confusing, if I set
>>> CATALYST_ENGINE to 'Whatever', I get no error message or something.
>>> Is there required more to use it, besides installing the module
>>> from CPAN?
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Neo [GC]
>>> Hi Neo,
>>> Are you running a really old version of Catalyst::Devel?
>>> If you specify the -r option to myapp_server.pl that was generated
>>> with a (oh, 2 years?) very old version of Catalyst::Devel it will
>>> not work right.
>>> This option clobbers your engine and sets the engine to
>>> 'HTTP::Restart'. Take a look at your script/myapp_server.pl and
>>> find the section for checking $restart
>>> The proper lines should be:
>>> if ( $restart && $ENV{CATALYST_ENGINE} eq 'HTTP' ) {
>>> $ENV{CATALYST_ENGINE} = 'HTTP::Restarter';
>>> }
>>> It used to omit the test for CATALYST_ENGINE, and ... well, that's
>>> not right :)
>>> Otherwise, it should definitely throw an error for an invalid engine
>>> being specified:
>>> $ CATALYST_ENGINE='Yourmom' perl script/myapp_server.pl
>>> Can't locate Catalyst/Engine/Yourmom.pm in @INC
>>> -J
>> Ha! Thank you very much, this was exactly the problem!
>> Our startup-scripts indeed seem to be abount two years old. I
>> remember seeing a warning about old scripts once, but haven't seen
>> them in a while and thought one of my colleagues fixed it.
>> If I may ask a following question.... how to rebuild the scripts? >_<
>> I can't reproduce the old warning and either I'm too stupid to use
>> Google or the howto is hidden somewhere in subspace...
> catalyst.pl -force -scripts MyApp
Thanks! This seems to have worked. I still get a warning about old
scripts, but I think from now on it's our adminmonkeys thing (don't know
how old our CPAN-modules are...).
Neo [GC]
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