[Catalyst] [ANNOUNCE] Catalyst Runtime 5.80001
John Napiorkowski
jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 18 22:42:39 GMT 2009
Tremendous thanks and am looking forward to 5.9 :) --John Napiorkowski
--- On Sat, 4/18/09, Tomas Doran <bobtfish at bobtfish.net> wrote:
> From: Tomas Doran <bobtfish at bobtfish.net>
> Subject: [Catalyst] [ANNOUNCE] Catalyst Runtime 5.80001
> To: "The elegant MVC web framework" <catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
> Date: Saturday, April 18, 2009, 4:28 PM
> The Catalyst Core Team is proud to
> announce that we've just shipped the next major release of
> the Catalyst framework, version 5.8001. This release is the
> result of the helpful contributions of a large number of
> people, comprising documentation, new features, bug fixes
> and entire branches of refactoring, and has taken over
> twelve months work.
> Specifically this release would not have been possible
> without the hard work put in by Guillermo Roditi and Scott
> McWhirter for the initial port, and Florian Ragwitz on
> method attributes, as well as their CPAN modules to support
> this. Huge thanks to those guys, and also to everyone
> providing patches for documentation, bug fixes, and new
> features.
> The major focus of this release is refactoring, and porting
> to Moose, which enables a lot of additional features, and
> gives you, the user, a lot of additional power to use when
> building your applications, and gives the Catalyst team a
> lot of power for extending the framework. Current
> applications will still run unmodified, but new code and
> extensions can start to fully take advantage of Moose.
> A lot of (previously inadvisable) techniques have become
> officially deprecated, producing warnings, and full
> documentation is provided in the distribution to explain any
> changes which may affect your applications or components.
> Extensive smoke testing for backwards compatibility has
> taken place as part of the release process, and we're
> confident that we haven't broken anything which wasn't a
> very bad idea in the first place :)
> The Runtime distributions will be on a CPAN mirror near you
> before long, but until then you have the option of getting
> them here:
> http://files.perldition.org/Catalyst-Runtime-5.80001.tar.gz
> A further explanation of all the changes can be found in
> Catalyst::Delta (included below).
> Thank you for your attention, and for using our software.
> t0m
> Full delta from 5.71:
> Deprecations:
> Please see Catalyst::Upgrading for a full
> description of how changes in
> the framework may affect your application.
> Below is a brief list of features which have
> been deprecated in this
> release:
> * ::[MVC]:: style naming scheme has been
> deprecated and will warn
> NEXT is deprecated for all applications and
> components, use MRO::Compat
> Dispatcher methods which are an
> implementation detail made private,
> public versions now warn.
> * MyApp->plugin method is deprecated, use
> Catalyst::Model::Adaptor
> instead.
> * __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors() is supported
> for backward compatibility
> only, use Moose attributes instead in new
> code.
> * Use of Catalyst::Base now warns
> New features:
> Dispatcher -
> * Fix forwarding to Catalyst::Action
> objects.
> * Add the dispatch_type method
> Restarter -
> * The development server restarter has been
> improved to be compatible with
> immutable Moose classes, and also to
> optionally use
> B::Hooks::OP::Check::StashChange to
> handle more complex application
> layouts correctly.
> $c->uri_for_action -
> Give a private path to the Catalyst action
> you want to create a URI for.
> Logging -
> Log levels have been made additive.
> Catalyst::Test -
> * Change to use Sub::Exporter.
> * Support mocking multiple virtual hosts
> * New methods like action_ok and
> action_redirect to write more compact
> tests
> Catalyst::Response -
> * New print method which
> prints @data to the output stream, separated
> by $,. This lets you pass the
> response object to functions that want
> to write to an IO::Handle.
> * Added code method as an
> alias for "$res->status"
> Consequences of the Moose back end:
> * Components
> are fully compatible with Moose, and all Moose
> features, such as
> method modifiers, attributes, roles, BUILD and
> BUILDARGS methods
> are fully supported and may be used in
> components and
> applications.
> * Many
> reusable extensions which would previously have been
> plugins or base
> classes are better implemented as Moose roles.
> * MooseX::MethodAttributes::Inheritable is
> used to contain action
> attributes. This
> means that attributes are represented in the
> MOP, and
> decouples action creation from attributes.
> * There is a
> reasonable API in Catalyst::Controller for working
> with and
> registering actions, allowing a controller sub-class to
> replace
> subroutine attributes for action declarations with an
> alternate
> syntax.
> * Refactored
> capturing of $app from Catalyst::Controller into
> Catalyst::Component::ApplicationAttribute for easier reuse
> in
> other
> components.
> * Your
> application class is forced to become immutable at the end
> of compilation.
> Bug fixes:
> * Don't ignore
> SIGCHLD while handling requests with the
> development
> server, so that system() and other ways of creating
> child processes
> work as expected.
> * Fixes for
> FastCGI when used with IIS 6.0
> * Fix a bug in
> uri_for which could cause it to generate paths with
> multiple slashes
> in them.
> * Fix a bug in
> Catalyst::Stats, stopping garbage being inserted
> into the stats if
> a user calls begin => but no end
> P.S. This release would also not have been possible without
> the relentless list keeping, cat herding, dist smoking and
> bug fixing done by t0m Doran, who is apparently too modest
> to point it out
> P.P.S. mst made me add that..
> _______________________________________________
> List: Catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk
> Listinfo: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
> Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk/
> Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/
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