[Catalyst] how to reuse Catalyst Schema for non-web purposes?

Kieren Diment diment at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 02:47:09 GMT 2009

On 23/04/2009, at 12:42 PM, kakimoto at tpg.com.au wrote:

> Hello, Peter,
> I had a look at your ExtJs app via the url given in this email.
> Basically, the script just makes direct calls to the Model. Business
> logic is found in the script itself and not the Model .
> Unfortunately, I still can't see the importance of business logic  
> being
> placed in the Model than the Controller.

That's fine, sometimes (like me) you've got to learn by experience.   
But keeping things separate - business logic in the model - like that  
really has a major impact on the speed with which you can add features  
to an existing application.  Like many things, the setup time is a  
little longer, but the dividends that you reap from the fat model  
design pay dividends quickly.

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