[Catalyst] unexpected behavior of $c->request->secure and $c->request->base

Hans Dieter Pearcey hdp.perl.catalyst.users at weftsoar.net
Sat Apr 25 20:23:50 GMT 2009

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 06:29:50AM -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:
> The SSL decryption is happening on Apache and Apache is proxying the
> request to Catalyst.

What?  No it isn't.  It's using mod_perl; there's no reverse proxying going on
from the config snippet pasted.

Also, this means that Engine::CGI is a red herring.

Dear original poster: is Apache2::ModSSL installed? 

Here's the relevant code from Engine::Apache:

    if ($INC{'Apache2/ModSSL.pm'}) {
        $c->request->secure(1) if $self->apache->connection->is_https;
    } else {
        my $https = $self->apache->subprocess_env('HTTPS'); 
        $c->request->secure(1) if defined $https and uc $https eq 'ON';

The port should have nothing to do with it.


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