[Catalyst] Advice needed on porting 5.7 plugin (monkeypatches
Pedro Melo
melo at simplicidade.org
Fri Aug 21 10:37:00 GMT 2009
I need some advice about an old 5.7 plugin that I came across at a
client site. The plugin wraps CGI::Expand to deal with hierarchical
parameters (see expand_cgi export in CGI::Expand docs).
They want to migrate the app to 5.8 and this plugin was doing some
nasty stuff - monkeypatching Catalyst::Request like this:
package Catalyst::Request;
This is of course a no-no with CatMoose.
Reading through the docs, I see that I can subclass the
Catalyst::Request class and use the $c->request_class to setup the new
one. I've done that like this:
package My::Request;
use Moose;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Request' }
has hparams => (
isa => 'HashRef',
is => 'rw',
default => sub { {} },
no Moose;
I have two questions:
* is it possible for a plugin, at setup time, to set the
* is there a better way?
Best regards,
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