[Catalyst] Partial page cache plugin
Octavian Râsnita
orasnita at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 10:56:09 GMT 2009
From: "Julien Sobrier" <julien at sobrier.net>
> Hello,
> there is a plugin for caching an entire page. I am looking for the same
> type of plugin to cache part of the page, but did not find one. Waht is
> the
> best way to achieve this in Catalyst?
You can use Catalyst::Plugin::Cache. You can do:
use Digest::SHA1 'sha1_hex';
use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
sub foo : Local {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my $name = $c->req->params->{name};
my $age = $c->req->params->{age};
my $page = $c->req->params->{page};
my $hash = sha1_hex('foo', $name, $age, $page);
my $cache = $c->cache;
my $page_part = $cache->get($hash);
unless ($page_part) {
#Here make the selection from the database, get the data from somewhere
my $object = $c->model("DB::Table")->search({
name => {-like => "%$name%"},
age => $age,
order_by => 'name',
rows => 20,
page => $page,
$c->stash(obj => $obj);
$page_part = $c->view('TT')->render($c,
$cache->set($hash, $page_part, 600);
$c->stash(page_part => $page_part);
This way it works fine, although if someone has an easier and/or nicer
solution, please tell us.
PageCache has some conflicts with another plugin, if I remember well is
Template::Plugin::Cache that can be used for page parts caching very easy
doesn't work well with templates that contain special UTF-8 chars (I was
informed that this is because the FileCache module and I heard that it could
work with a CHI object).
Anyway, if somebody has some recommendations for speed improvements with
Catalyst, please tell us if there are (I have checked a PHP page with many
dynamic types of data that have a 44 requests/second, but I wasn't able to
create a much simpler page with Catalyst that displays so fast).
Yes, I know, the PHP page is low level, harder to create and to maintain,
gives bad errors, but I can't convince that Catalyst is good if it is not
fast enough, so any tips for using caches or other ways of improving the
speed are welcome.
Thank you.
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