[Catalyst] Re: New Catalyst Book?
Андрей П. Ковбович
akovbovich at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 13:43:00 GMT 2009
It would be nice if the book tells us how to work with heavy loaded
projects. Very cool that will be yet another book on Catalyst!
It is regrettable that so far there is no translation into Russian of
a book on Catalyst. At the same time as there is a lot of Russian
books on RoR.
akovbovich at gmail.com
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 4:20 PM, kevin montuori <montuori at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> "KD" == Kieren Diment <kieren at diment.org> writes:
> KD> Oh shit, that means we've actually got to finish it :o
> heh. not necessarily: apress had promised an ansi common lisp reference
> manual for years and then one day -- poof -- any mention of it was gone
> from their site.
> i can't wait to read the catalyst book. one of the great selling points
> of the framework (to management types) is the idea that any programmer
> off the street could come in and hit the ground running in a catalyst
> shop ... having a second book helps further that notion significantly.
> k.
> --
> kevin montuori
> montuori at gmail.com
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