[Catalyst] Templating languages (was RFC: The paradox of choice
in web development)
Ali M.
tclwarrior at gmail.com
Sun Feb 22 15:42:20 GMT 2009
I recommend you also take a look at
I only saw a presentation about it from this presentation
looks pretty similar to Groovy builders.
Don't know how popular it is thought.
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 11:12 PM, Byron Young <Byron.Young at riverbed.com> wrote:
> Dan Dascalescu wrote on 2009-02-20:
>>> What are some templating languages (either existing, in progress, or
>>> theoretical) that overcome the limitations you perceive with TT and
>>> Mason?
>> Not speaking for Jonathan here, but I liked his blog post
>> http://blog.jrock.us/articles/Template::Refine.pod
>> HTH,
>> Dan
> I just read the blog post - I like it! Very cool. Anybody using Template::Refine in a Cat app? I don't see a specific C::V::Template::Refine, but it seems like you could possibly use C::V::Template::Declare for it (or maybe I've misunderstood that module).
> I misunderstood what Jonathan said earlier when he said
>> If by "realistic" you mean "unmaintainable for both designers and
>> developers", then yes, you've described Mason and TT.
> I wasn't thinking of 'designers' as 'web designers' in this context - I was thinking of the TT or Mason module designers for some reason, silly me. I serve both roles on my app, so coding Mason templates is not really an issue for me.
> Anyway, I get it now :)
> Thanks
> Byron
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