[Catalyst] stripping path parts and then redispatch?

Octavian Râsnita orasnita at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 03:54:33 GMT 2009

I think this solution should be put at least in a wiki if not in the POD 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Leszczynski" <larryl at emailplus.org>
To: "Bill Moseley" <moseley at hank.org>; "Catalyst Framework" 
<catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] stripping path parts and then redispatch?

> Just wanted to pass along some solutions...
> To recap briefly:
> URLs are prefixed with the page language, e.g "/en/foo/bar".  The
> language needs to be stripped off and stashed, and the remainder of the
> request processed as if the language part had not been there, e.g.
> "/foo/bar".
> I was trying to use $c->go("/foo/bar"), which works if there is a
> Foo::bar() action, but which breaks if the action is supposed to be
> Foo::default() with the argument "bar" (or Foo::Bar::default() with no
> arguments).
> 1) Bill Moseley suggested a different approach which is seeming to work
> pretty well so far (thanks Bill), it involves subclassing
> MyApp->prepare_path() to tweak the path at beginning of processing,
> something like this:
>  sub prepare_path
>  {
>      my $c = shift;
>      $c->SUPER::prepare_path(@_);
>      my @path_chunks = split m[/], $c->request->path, -1;
>      return unless (   @path_chunks
>                     && $valid_languages{$path_chunks[0]});
>      # Pull off first path chunk:
>      my $language = shift @path_chunks;
>      $c->stash->{language} = $language;
>      # Create a request path from the remaining chunks:
>      my $path = join('/', @path_chunks) || '/';
>      # Stuff modified request path back into request:
>      $c->request->path($path);
>      # Update request base to include whatever
>      # was stripped from the request path:
>      my $base = $c->request->base;
>      $base->path($base->path . $language . '/');
>  }
> A nice side effect is that tweaking $c->request->base to include the
> language means the language is automatically included when you call
> $c->uri_for().
> 2) In the process of trying to get $c->go() to work for an arbitrary
> path, I found a way that seems to make it work consistently even if the
> path is supposed to hit a default action:
>    # Create your request path to wherever:
>    my $path = "/foo/bar/baz";
>    # Stuff modified request path back into request:
>    $c->request->path($path);
>    # Create a new $c->action using $c->request->path.
>    # Updates $c->action and $c->request->args.
>    $c->dispatcher->prepare_action($c);
>    $c->go($c->action, $c->request->args);
> This should work for any of $c->forward(), $c->detach(), $c->visit(),
> $c->go().
> Thanks for all the suggestions,
> Larry
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