[Catalyst] Newbie help
Richard Thomas
ret at mac.com
Wed Jan 14 19:44:43 GMT 2009
I see you've been sent an incredibly detailed response using a
multipart solution, which probably works fine.
However, a different way of tackling this would be to use POE to
update the page rather than fighting with timeout issues. If there is
just one lot of modelling output shared by all users (IOW they don't
provide parameters to it), maybe you could have the model constantly
Have a look on CPAN for POE. I reckon it could be a good fit.
Sent from my iPhone
On 15/01/2009, at 2:43 AM, "Diego M. Vadell" <dvadell at linuxclusters.com.ar
> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm making a nice little webapp in Catalyst: metheorology models
> run via
> crontab and catalyst shows the data and graphs that they produce. Im
> very
> happy how it's working so far.
> Now I have been asked if I could make a "Run the model now"
> button, that
> would run a script (the model) and show it's output in a popup window.
> The process may run for about 15 minutes, so I have to handle ,
> somehow,
> the browser timing out because of lack of output. I thought about
> making the
> script output to a tmp file and using ajax to query that file.
> What is the best way to do that? Is there a nice, magical CPAN
> module out
> there? :)
> Thanks in advance,
> -- Diego
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