[Catalyst] Re: Supressing passwords in debug messages
J. Shirley
jshirley at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 20:30:52 GMT 2009
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Byron Young <Byron.Young at riverbed.com> wrote:
> Hi - I'm not sure what the repost policy on patches, but I have the feeling this one slipped through the cracks. Let me know if it's generally annoying to repost stuff.
> This is a patch that allows you to suppress printing the value of certain query or body parameters when running Catalyst in debug mode - For example, if you want to hide passwords sent from the login page, you can put this in your app config (yaml):
> Debug:
> redact_parameters:
> - password
> and the resulting log will look like:
> [debug] Query Parameters are:
> .-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------.
> | Parameter | Value |
> +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
> | password | (redacted by config) |
> | username | some_user |
> '-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------'
> There are two patches attached
> - redact-patch.diff - contains patch and test
> - cookbook-patch.diff - patch for cookbook entry about this
> Thanks to J Shirley for help with this.
> Thanks
> Byron
> Byron Young wrote on 2009-01-16:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Byron Young [mailto:Byron.Young at riverbed.com]
>> Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 6:39 PM
>> To: The elegant MVC web framework
>> Subject: RE: [Catalyst] Re: Supressing passwords in debug messages
>> Byron Young wrote on 2009-01-12:
>>> J. Shirley wrote on 2009-01-12:
>>>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Byron Young
>>>> <Byron.Young at riverbed.com> wrote:
>>>>> J. Shirley wrote on 2009-01-12:
>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Byron Young
>>>>>> <Byron.Young at riverbed.com> wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>>>>> The patch I'm creating needs to be configured in some way, I am
>>>>>> thinking at this point it can be configured as follows:
>>>>>> package MyApp;
>>>>>> __PACKAGE__->config(
>>>>>> 'Debug' => {
>>>>>> skip_dump_parameters => 1, # Simply don't render the
>>>>>> parameters incoming, very shotgunny skip_dump_parameters =>
>>>>>> [ qw/password/ ], # Show '(redacted
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> config)' as the value of these fields
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> );
>>>>>> I'll need to bake tests for this, which there are currently no tests
>>>>>> for handling the dumping of parameters so it will be a bit more. If
>>>>>> someone wants to help with that, let me know and I can help guide.
>>>>>> -J
>>>>> I'd be happy to write some unit tests. I haven't worked with
>>> any
>>>> of the Catalyst unit tests before so I'm not sure what the process is
>>>> like for getting the code, setting up the test environment, making and
>>>> submitting changes and unit tests, etc. Is there a doc you can point
>>>> me to? I don't see anything in the manual or wiki.
>>>>> Byron
>>>>> Mostly it is just checking out the code from svn and starting.
>>> The
>>>> patch that I've started is at http://scsys.co.uk:8001/22410 - you can
>>>> apply this to a svn checkout of
>>>> http://dev.catalystframework.org/repos/Catalyst/Catalyst- Runtime/5.70
>>>> It doesn't have the actual testing part, just a stub. I'll be working
>>>> on it more over today and tomorrow when I get free moments, but
>>>> they're few and far between.
>>> Ditto on the lack of free time. I'll check it out and let you know
>>> what I come up with.
>>> byron
>> J Shirley - I finally got a chance to look at this today. You did
>> most of the work for me. I just updated the unit test, changed the
>> 'skip_dump_parameters' parameter to 'redact_parameters', and
>> expanded the log_parameters() documentation a bit. I also added a
>> section to the cookbook explaining how to use the parameter.
>> Attached are two patches:
>> redact-patch.diff - patch containing the new unit test and changes to
>> Catalyst.pm. cookbook-patch.diff - patch containing a new cookbook
>> section on
>> this feature, for the Catalyst-Manual repository
>> Anything else I need to do?
>> Byron
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Hi Byron,
Just my fault -- been busy and then sick, I'll try to get to it in the
next few days.
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