[Catalyst] Hangs in RenderView in "end"
Gunnar Strand
gunnarstrand at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 9 06:45:21 GMT 2009
Tomas Doran skrev:
> On 6 Jul 2009, at 05:33, Gunnar Strand wrote:
>>> Wow, that's a fairly unexpected gotcha.
>>> Any chance of a doc patch to make it easier for the next poor soul who
>>> gets stuck on this?
>> Sure. Where would you like it?
> A 'NOTES' or 'CAVEATS' section in the POD for Catalyst::View::TT is
> the best place I can think of right now.
> Write something and it can go somewhere else if anyone has a better idea?
Here's what I wrote, and I've attached a patch for
Catalyst::View::TT.pm. I'm very inexperienced using patches, so let me
know if you want it in any other way.
=head1 NOTES
If you are using the L<CGI> module inside your templates, and you
experience that the Catalyst server appears to hang while rendering
the web page, then it may be due to the debug mode of L<CGI> (which is
waiting for input in the terminal window). You can try turning off the
debug mode using the "-no_debug" option and see if that solves you
problem, eg.:
[% USE CGI('-no_debug') %]
> Cheers
> t0m
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