[Catalyst] PostgreSQL Conference West 2009 Call for Papers
Joshua D. Drake
jd at commandprompt.com
Wed Jun 24 19:59:09 GMT 2009
PostgreSQL Conference West 2009 Call for Papers
June 24th, 2009, the PostgreSQL Conference U.S. team is pleased to
announce the West 2009 venue and call for papers. This year the premiere
West Coast PostgreSQL Conference will be leaving its roots at Portland
State University and moving north to sunny Seattle, Washington.
The event this year is being held at Seattle Central Community College
from October 16th through 18th. The move to Seattle opens up a larger
metropolitan area for continuing to expose databases users, developers,
and administrators to the World's Most Advanced Open Source Database.
Following previously successful West Coast conferences, we will be
hosting a series of 3-4 hour tutorials, 90 minute mini-tutorials, and 45
minute talks.
This year we will be continuing our trend of covering the entire
PostgreSQL ecosystem. We would like to see talks and tutorials on the
following topics:
General PostgreSQL:
* Performance
* High Availability
* Migration
* Integration
* Solutions and White Papers
The Stack:
* Perl5/Catalyst/Bricolage
* Potato
* Ruby/Rails
* Java (PLJava would be great)/Groovy/Grails
* Operating System optimization (Linux/FBSD/Solaris/Windows)
* Solutions and White Papers
If you are using PostgreSQL as your platform, you need to be presenting
at this conference! You may submit your paper here:
The PostgreSQL Conference U.S. series is an autonomous Educational
Project used to educate all comers on the use of The World's Most
Advanced Open Source Database. Proceeds from the event are donated
directly to United States PostgreSQL; the 501c3 non-profit for
PostgreSQL education and advocacy in the United States.
PostgreSQL - XMPP: jdrake at jabber.postgresql.org
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