[Catalyst] Getting strange warning each time a request is made
to myApp
kakimoto at tpg.com.au
kakimoto at tpg.com.au
Fri Mar 13 16:12:56 GMT 2009
Hi, everyone,
I went into my MyApp::Controller::Login->index method and made some
I noticed that upon successful login of the current user, I will do a
redirect to the base path '/' (ie. www.insurance-example.com:3000/). So
in this case, i specified something like:
"$c->response->redirect( $c->uri_for('/') );"
This causes the warning to come up BUT when I swap the '/' with a
controller that exists, the warning goes away. So in this case, i
specified something like:
"$c->response->redirect( $c->uri_for('/subscriptions/update') );"
Here is how my method looks like:
--------------- MyApp::Controller::Login->index [ start ]
sub index : Private {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->log->debug( " in login .pm " );
# Get the username and password from form
my $username = $c->request->params->{username} || '';
my $password = $c->request->params->{password} || '';
# If the username and password values were found in form
if ($username && $password) {
# Attempt to log the user in
if ($c->login($username, $password))
# If successful, then let them use the application
#$c->response->redirect( $c->uri_for('/') ); ## GOT THE
$c->log->debug( " Login is ok .... Redirecting now..." );
$c->response->redirect( $c->uri_for('/subscriptions/create')
# Set an error message
$c->stash->{error_msg} = "Bad username or password.";
# If either of above don't work out, send to the login page
$c->stash->{template} = 'login.tt2';
return 1;
--------------- MyApp::Controller::Login->index [end ] -------------------
My question is, what's catalyst's problem? If i specified '/', then
shouldn't MyApp::Controller::Root->default pick it up and serve what
ever page is default?
K. akimoto
Quoting kakimoto at tpg.com.au:
> Hi, everyone,
> I realised that my app's terminal console has been spitting out a
> warning as per below each time I make a request to the app. This is
> be
> it to '/' or to a valid controller like 'subscriptions/create',
> 'subscriptions/update',
> 'subscriptions/delete', and so forth.
> ----- extract START -------
> [warn] Used regexp fallback for $c->model('myApp::View::HTML'),
> which
> found 'myApp::View::HTML=HASH(0x8ef7b50)'. Relying on regexp
> fallback
> behavior for component resolution is unreliable and unsafe. You
> probably
> meant $c->model('myApp::View::HTML=HASH(0x8ef7b50)') instead of
> $c->model{'myApp::View::HTML'}, but if you really wanted to search,
> pass
> in a regexp as the argument like so: $c->model(qr/myApp::View::HTML/)
> at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/Catalyst/Action/RenderView.pm
> line 56
> [debug] Rendering template "index.tt2"
> [debug] Applying HTML page layout wrappers to index.tt2
> ----- extract END -------
> Here are my loaded path actions:
> ----- extract START -------
> [debug] Loaded Path actions:
> | Path | Private
> |
> | / | /default
> |
> | /addresses | /addresses/index
> |
> ...
> ----- extract END -------
> I went into myApp::Controller::Root->end.
> It now reads, "sub end : ActionClass('RenderView') {}".
> If I removed the whole line and restarted the app and tried to
> access
> any controller, well, nothing will get shown (rendered) on the web
> browser AND the warning dissappears.
> Just what am I doing wrong with the call to RenderView?
> Thanks!
> K. akimoto
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