[Catalyst] config log in component?

Dylan Martin dmartin at sccd.ctc.edu
Mon Mar 23 17:49:27 GMT 2009

Hello everyone.

I'm using Catalyst for the first time and I'm using Authen::Simple for
authentication.  Authen::Simple and Catalyst have very similar ideas
about logging, where your Authen::Simple object and your Cat object
each take a Log4Perl/Log::Dispatch object like so:


It does not seem that the catalyst logger is passed to the
Authentication object.  By that I mean, logging statements inside the
Authen::Simple code do not show up in the catalyst logs as I would

Is there a way in the config file (Config::Any in my case) to tell the
Authen::Simple code to use the logger from Cat?  EG

                class Authen::Simple
                    class IMAP
                        host imap.sccd.ctc.edu
                        protocol IMAPS
                        log ????                     # This is what
I'm trying to figure out
            # no store


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