[Catalyst] LEFT JOIN with AND statement
Jakub Tutaj
jamz at wp.pl
Tue Mar 24 18:06:40 GMT 2009
Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:
> but answering
> your question I think the only way to do it is via a custom ResultSet
> (http://search.cpan.org/~ribasushi/DBIx-Class-0.08099_07/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Cookbook.pod#Arbitrary_SQL_through_a_custom_ResultSource)
I tried the Cookbook way, but Catalyst couldn't find register_extra_source
function...so from there I searched for that problem and found this link:
Basically, I've created file GroupTasksComplex and put it into Schema
folder. It looks like this:
package saps::Schema::GroupTasksComplex;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'DBIx::Class';
__PACKAGE__->table("group_tasks"); #this probably could be any name
gt_id task_name gt_status gt_opentime gt_closetime gt_task_id gt_groupid
id compilationstatus runstatus originality comment registered codesize
memoryusage group_task_id user_id
); # list of column names you want to get in return
my $source = __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance()->name( \<<SQL);
SELECT group_tasks.id as gt_id, tasks.name as task_name, group_tasks.status
as gt_status, group_tasks.opentime as gt_opentime, group_tasks.closetime as
gt_closetime, group_tasks.task_id as gt_task_id, group_tasks.group_id as
gt_groupid, student_tasks.*
FROM group_tasks
LEFT JOIN student_tasks
ON group_tasks.id = student_tasks.group_task_id AND student_tasks.user_id =
? LEFT JOIN tasks ON group_tasks.task_id = tasks.id
WHERE group_tasks.group_id = ? )
Then to get query in my controller I do:
my $studentgrouptasks = $c->stash->{studentgrouptasks} =
[$c->model('sapsDB::GroupTasksComplex')->search (
bind => [ $c->user->id,$groupId ]
) ];
I hope that will help someone else too.
Thanks Zbigniew for a hint!
Jakub Tutaj
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/LEFT-JOIN-with-AND-statement-tp22567550p22686014.html
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