[Catalyst] Catalyst::View::Email config error after Catalyst upgrade

David Schmidt davewood at gmx.at
Sat Mar 28 10:59:38 GMT 2009

Hello everyone

I've just upgraded Catalyst from 5.7015 to 5.71001.
If I start my project development server it loads but upon requesting
any page I get the error:

Caught exception in MyApp::View::myEmail->process "Can't send email
without a valid email structure at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Catalyst/Action.pm line 46"

On the cpan site of C::V::Email the developer says that the config
options have changed slightly but I cannot figure out wether the docs
represent the new or old config style.


WARNING: since version 0.10 the configuration options slightly changed!

This is were the error comes from in /Catalyst/View/Email.pm

    my $email  = $c->stash->{$self->{stash_key}};
    croak "Can't send email without a valid email structure"
        unless $email;

but I have the stash_key configured in MyApp/lib/MyApp.pm
    'View::Email' => {
        stash_key => 'email',
        default => {
            content_type => 'text/plain',
            charset => 'utf-8'
        sender => {
            mailer => 'SMTP',
            mailer_args => {
                Host     => 'test.smtp.at', # defaults to localhost
                username => 'blah',
                password => 'foo',
                ssl      => 1

and it also seems to be configured in MyApp/lib/MyApp/View/myEmail.pm
    stash_key => 'email'

well, that's it for now. thanks in advance for any pointers.


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