[Catalyst] unknown resource

Octavian Râşniţă orasnita at gmail.com
Sat May 2 15:17:19 GMT 2009

From: "Ash Berlin" <ash_cpan at firemirror.com>
On 2 May 2009, at 09:25, Octavian Râşniţă wrote:

> Hi,
> I've started to use fastcgi with Apache and after a little fight  with it, 
> I made it work, but I can't access /server-status anymore.
> I've checked and mod_status.so  is loaded in httpd.conf:
> LoadModule status_module modules/mod_status.so
> and it is also configured to show the server status on /server- status for 
> everyone:
> <Location /server-status>
> SetHandler server-status
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
> </Location>
> But when I access /server-status the Catalyst app gives the  following 
> error:
> Unknown resource server-status
> (or Unknown resource server-status/ if I add a slash at the end)
> I couldn't find anything about this issue anywhere.
> Do you have any idea what could be the problem?
> I use Apache 2.2.9, Perl 5.10.0 and the latest version of Catalyst  under 
> Fedora.
> Octavian

> I'm guessing you've got your cat app rooted/deployed on '/' and are  using 
> FastGCI (from your other thread)?
> If so then I think you need something like this in the config:
> Alias /server-status /server-status

Yes, this was the problem. I made some tests and I came to the conclusion 
that Catalyst responds to all those URIs which don't have a distinct Alias 
when it is used with fastcgi, no matter if they are handled by other 


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