[Catalyst] FormFu edit form problem

Steve Rippl rippls at woodlandschools.org
Mon May 11 21:43:03 GMT 2009


Very new to Catalyst, I think it's great but I'm groping about a bit 
here!  I started using FromBuilder as per the book, but as everyone 
points out the book is dated and FormBuilder doesn't seem to be used 
much now, so I'm having a go with FormFu.  Following along with the 
AdvancedCrud tutorial I have a simple edit action in Staff.pm and 
everything works fine.  Now, my staff table has a foreign key 
relationship to locationid in the Location table (I'll put both models 
at the bottom of this), I build a drop box with ids and locations but 
when I call $form->model->update($person); (where $person = 
$c->model('DB::Staff')->find($id);) I get

|Caught exception in WsdSis::Controller::Staff->edit "The primary key and the foreign key may not be the same column in class WsdSis::Schema::Result::Location at /srv/WsdSis/script/../lib/WsdSis/Controller/Staff.pm line 80"

Where line 80 is the call to update.  It actually updates the Staff 
table correctly, but then throws this before continuing.  I'm confused 
why it's telling me that the primary and foreign keys are on the same 
column when it's primary in one table and foreign in the other.  I got 
this working with FormBuilder so I'm thinking I can't be too far off base?!!

Many thanks in advanced!


package WsdSis::Schema::Result::Location;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'DBIx::Class';

__PACKAGE__->load_components("InflateColumn::DateTime", "Core");
  { data_type => "INT", default_value => undef, is_nullable => 0, size 
=> 4 },
    data_type => "VARCHAR",
    default_value => undef,
    is_nullable => 0,
    size => 128,
    data_type => "VARCHAR",
    default_value => undef,
    is_nullable => 1,
    size => 32,
  { "foreign.locationid" => "self.locationid" },
  { "foreign.locationid" => "self.locationid" },
  { "foreign.locationid" => "self.locationid" },

# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.04005 @ 2009-05-08 08:53:55

# You can replace this text with custom content, and it will be 
preserved on regeneration

package WsdSis::Schema::Result::Staff;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'DBIx::Class';

__PACKAGE__->load_components("InflateColumn::DateTime", "Core");
  { data_type => "INT", default_value => undef, is_nullable => 0, size 
=> 11 },
    data_type => "VARCHAR",
    default_value => undef,
    is_nullable => 0,
    size => 64,
    data_type => "VARCHAR",
    default_value => undef,
    is_nullable => 0,
    size => 64,
    data_type => "VARCHAR",
    default_value => undef,
    is_nullable => 1,
    size => 64,
    data_type => "VARCHAR",
    default_value => undef,
    is_nullable => 0,
    size => 32,
    data_type => "VARCHAR",
    default_value => undef,
    is_nullable => 0,
    size => 32,
  { data_type => "INT", default_value => undef, is_nullable => 1, size 
=> 4 },
    data_type => "VARCHAR",
    default_value => undef,
    is_nullable => 0,
    size => 32,
  { data_type => "VARCHAR", default_value => undef, is_nullable => 1, 
size => 2 },
__PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint("username", ["username"]);
  { "foreign.staffid" => "self.staffid" },
  { locationid => "locationid" },
  { "foreign.staffid" => "self.staffid" },
  { "foreign.staffid" => "self.staffid" },

# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.04005 @ 2009-05-08 08:53:55

# many_to_many():
#   args:
#     1) Name of relationship, DBIC will create accessor with this name
#     2) Name of has_many() relationship this many_to_many() is shortcut for
#     3) Name of belongs_to() relationship in model class of has_many() 
#   You must already have the has_many() defined to use a many_to_many().
__PACKAGE__->many_to_many(roles => 'staff_role_staffids', 'roleid');

# Helper methods
sub name_full {
    my ($self) = @_;

    return $self->name_last . ', ' . $self->name_first;


Steve Rippl
Technology Director
Woodland School District
360 225 9451 x326

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