[Catalyst] How and where to run a method at Catalyst start up?
Emmanuel Quevillon
tuco at pasteur.fr
Mon May 18 09:38:15 GMT 2009
Tomas Doran wrote:
> Emmanuel Quevillon wrote:
>> I tried to follow your advices, but unfortunately, I looks like
>> MyApp->model().. does not work :
>> Couldn't instantiate component "MyApp::Model::Mapping", "Can't
>> locate object method "model" via package "MyApp::Model::Mapping"
>> ....
>> I also tried with $self without success :(
> You're not doing what Rodrigo suggested, at all.
> 'model' is a method on Catalyst, therefore you need to call it on an
> object which ISA Catalyst (i.e. MyApp, or $c).
> I can't really give you much more help unless you give us your _entire_
> model code, and the controller code you're trying to call it.
Hi Tom,
I can't even instantiate my new Model 'MyApp::Model::Mapping'
following Rodrigo's code :
package BiblioList::Model::Mapping;
use Moose;
extends 'Catalyst::Model';
has 'mapping_data' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'HashRef',
default => sub { { } }
no Moose;
sub BUILD {
my($self) = shift;
my $ROrgs = { };
#Get all the remote supported dbname configured
foreach my $db (sort keys
#Create appropriate model
my $model = join("::", "GenoList", "$db", "Organism");
my $r = BiblioList->model($model)->search()->first();
$ROrgs->{$db} = $r;
my $mapping = { };
#We handle more than one organism, so loop over results
my $f =
BiblioList->model('BiblioListDB::Organism')->search({isavailable =>
while(my $o = $f->next()){
#print STDERR "- ",$o->id_org()," ", $o->shortname(), "\n";
my $oname = $o->fullname();
$oname .= " ".$o->strain() if($o->strain());
foreach my $db (sort keys %{$ROrgs}){
my $remote = $ROrgs->{$db};
my $rname = $remote->fullname();
$rname .= " ".$remote->strain() if($remote->strain());
if($rname eq $oname){
$mapping->{$o->id_org} = $db;
delete $ROrgs->{$db};
However, the strange is that I can access my config values through
BiblioList->config() whereas I get an error complaining about an
undefined value (here BiblioList->model($model)) : Here is the error:
Couldn't instantiate component "BiblioList::Model::Mapping", "Can't
call method "search" on an undefined value at
line 28." at script/bibliolist_server.pl line 66
Compilation failed in require at script/bibliolist_server.pl line 66.
If I use $self instead of BiblioList the error change:
Couldn't instantiate component "BiblioList::Model::Mapping", "Can't
locate object method "model" via package
"BiblioList::Model::Mapping" at
line 28." at script/bibliolist_server.pl line 66
Compilation failed in require at script/bibliolist_server.pl line 66.
Any clue?
> Cheers
> t0m
Emmanuel Quevillon
Biological Software and Databases Group
Institut Pasteur
+33 1 44 38 95 98
tuco at_ pasteur dot fr
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