[Catalyst] auto-generate ResultSet classes?

Jarom Smith jarom at jaromsmith.net
Thu May 28 00:31:52 GMT 2009

Sorry, one more question (and this one does have to do with Catalyst 
more than DBIC, I think...)

Is there any magical invocation for the create script which will make a 
bunch of stub ResultSet classes for me, similar to how the Result 
classes are auto-generated when I do

script/myapp_create.pl model MyAppDB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema 
create=static components=TimeStamp,EncodedColumn dbi:mysql:myapp 
'dbuser' 's3kr1t' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }'

?  (and if so, what is it?)


jarom smith
tech go-to guy

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