[Catalyst] DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader catalyst helper

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at gmail.com
Fri May 29 10:14:03 GMT 2009


I made a Catalyst app (under Windows) and I put it run under Linux.

Under both OSes I use the same version (latest) of:


If I generate the DBIC result classes using DBIC::Schema under Windows and I 
upload them under Linux, then I try to re-generate them under Linux, even 
though they are created by the same helper and based on the same database, 
it gives an error when running the Catalyst helper:

DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::make_schema_at(): Cannot not overwrite 
'/oct/TB/script/../lib/TB/Schema.pm' without 'really_er
ase_my_files', it does not appear to have been generated by Loader at 
DBIC/Schema.pm line 173

Is this way of re-generating the result classes wrong?
Can I do something to be able to use the helper for re-generate the result 
classes under different platforms?



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