[Catalyst] Advent calendar 2009
Kieren Diment
diment at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 11:35:59 GMT 2009
Hi all
It's advent calendar time again.
Having dedicated a very large chunk of the first half of the year to
writing a book about Catalyst, I don't have masses of time to run the
editorial for the advent calendar this year, so I need some volunteers
to ensure that we get one reasonably grammatical, reasonably well
spelled entry per day, each day of December up until Christmas day.
I'll be offline for some of the time at the end of the month too, so
please if you think you can step up to help, grab me on irc (I'm KD
Meanwhile, I'd like volunteers to write an article. Ideally we'd have
25 people writing one article each. I'd especially like articles
about things that you use Catalyst for in-house that you might not
think are terribly relevant to the outside world but in reality are
probably really important. Articles need to be between 500 and 2000
words each. If English is not your first language, don't worry, there
are people (with professional editorial skills) who can fix things up
for you.
I especially want a volunteer to write 500-1000 words on "How to write
your own Moose Role for Catalyst".
Please step up and volunteer now. Don't reply to the list, reply to
me at diment at gmail.com (header set but your client may be retarded).
I'm grabing the CSS frameworks article, and if we run out of copy,
another article plugging the new-ish book (http://xrl.us/bgcztu).
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