[Catalyst] Re: Catalyst::Helper Changes
kevin montuori
montuori at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 12:06:05 GMT 2009
>>>>> "DA" == Devin Austin <devin.austin at gmail.com> writes:
DA> I will quit being a tool and get my shit released.
Heh. But that's *my* motto.
DA> Please, send me any ideas you have your way with regards to "I want
DA> to be able to do this".
There's a litany of tweaks I usually make after creating a new catalyst
project. Assuming the project MyApp, these usually include:
mkdir MyApp/{.control,bin,etc}
mkdir MyApp/etc/{conf,DDL,SQL,LDIF}
mkdir MyApp/lib/MyApp/Schema/MyApp/{Result,ResultSet}
mkdir MyApp/lib/HTML/FormFu/Validator/MyApp
mkdir MyApp/root/forms
I generally add content to the MyApp.pm file: ConfigLoader
substitutions, a new ConfigLoader base, some plugins that are almost
always used.
Usually there's a Schema/MyApp.pm file that's standard boilerplate.
There are a couple of files I add to the bin directory so they're kept
with the project.
Also I create a number of .../.template files and populate them with
project-specific templates (for the benefit of emacs).
There's probably more ... that's why I'm looking to automate it.
kevin montuori
montuori at gmail.com
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