[Catalyst] What to upload

Paul Falbe paul at cassens.com
Mon Apr 5 15:06:36 GMT 2010

> Have you looked here?
> http://wiki.catalystframework.org/wiki/hosting
> For a VPS, I'd highly recommend Linode.  Their prices are good, and
> their service is amazing.

I hadn't checked that out.  Basically, I joined a baseball league which had a site and they
wanted the ability to able to dynamically change a section of the front page of the website.
Having used Catalyst for an app at work thought I'd make a a little CRUD app to store
the messages in a table.  I wrote a little perl script to read from the table and display
but have run into trouble getting my main Catalyst app onto website.  I thought this would be
the easiest route to get something working and be able to expand it easily...

My site does FastCGI and I can do a .htaccess file but I haven't gotten that to work yet
either....  Would have a sample .htaccess file I can try?

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