[Catalyst] Using Jquery UI Autocomplete widget with
Hetényi Csaba
csabiwork at tata.hu
Mon Apr 26 06:40:31 GMT 2010
Dear Rodrigo
I tired your tip, but my response is:
{"json":[{"value":"Paddyfield Warbler","label":"Paddyfield
Warbler","id":"Acrocephalus agricola"}]}
and -of course- there is no any suggest. :(
I thought that Catalyst::View::JSON translate perl datastructures to
corresponding JSON data structure ( hash > object ... as i see on
http://www.json.org) automatically. ( if not, i could use manually
created JSON formatted string without any JSON module)
Thank You!
> Have you tried this?
> sub request : Local {
> my ($self,$c) = @_;
> $c->stash->{json} = [ { id=>"Acrocephalus agricola", label=>
> "Paddyfield Warbler", value=> "Paddyfield Warbler" } ];
> $c->forward('View::JSON');
> }
> It gives me back the following response:
> $ curl http://localhost:3000/request <http://localhost:3000/test>
> [{"value":"Paddyfield Warbler","id":"Acrocephalus
> agricola","label":"Paddyfield Warbler"}]
> Which works with JQuery's autocomplete example just fine
> -rodrigo
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