[Catalyst] Using
Jquery UI Autocomplete widget with Catalyst::View::JSON
Ben van Staveren
benvanstaveren at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 15:23:39 GMT 2010
Used it but at the same time, doing my $hashref =3D { $row->get_columns } =
got me more or less the same effect for a lot less hassle :)
I actually do this for most my DB objects that get serialised to JSON, =
quite simple case of $c->stash->{json} =3D [ map { $_->get_columns } =
$rs->all ];
In a similar vein, I haven't yet really seen/heard any sort of "best =
practices" when it comes to Catalyst and JSON, so maybe I'm going about =
it all wrong but eh :)
Lee Aylward wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:33:31 +0700
> Ben van Staveren <benvanstaveren at gmail.com> wrote:
> =
>> Probably not the most pretty one but:
>> Given you have a resultset obtained with, say,
>> my $result_set =3D $c->model('DB::Somedata')->search_rs({...}, {...});
>> $c->stash->{json} =3D [
>> map { id =3D> $_->id, label =3D> $_->name } ($result_set->all)
>> ];
>> Or a bit more verbose:
>> foreach my $result ($result_set->all) {
>> push(@{$c->stash->{json}}, { id =3D> $result->id, label =3D>
>> $result->name }); }
>> `
>> =
> I've also had good luck using DBIx::Class::RsultClass::HashRefInflator
> in the past. It doesn't give you quite as much control, but it may be
> enough for your needs.
> http://search.cpan.org/~frew/DBIx-Class/lib/DBIx/Class/ResultClass/HashRe=
> =
-- =
Ben van Staveren
phone: +62 81 70777529
email: benvanstaveren at gmail.com
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