[Catalyst] I18N with variables
Nicholas Wehr
catalyst at bionikchickens.com
Wed Aug 4 15:30:17 GMT 2010
Check out Catalyst::Plugin::Localize::Simple
I made it to overcome the learning curve of i18n, and it works very well.
Used it to translate English to Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian,
Portuguese, and Chinese Simplified. I provided a CMS for the translation
team to create and modify these translation files. Very simple and straight
forward. Let me know if you have questions on usage.
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 1:04 AM, Ton Voon <ton.voon at opsera.com> wrote:
> On 2 Aug 2010, at 06:08, Julien Sobrier wrote:
> Hello,
>> I've started to translate my website using Catalyst::Plugin::I18N. It
>> works fine for static text. Bu I can't make it work for variables. For
>> example, I need to a translation for [% foo %] where for can take a
>> set of values defined in a database.
>> I'm sot sure what is the best way to translate such variables, and
>> what is possible:
>> * add a msgid for each possible value in messages.po =3D> those gets
>> removed every time I run xgettext.pl
>> * Make the translation in my Database layer =3D> unfortunately I use the
>> old Class::DBI, and could not find a plugin for it
>> * any other option?
> What I do is use the variable to work out the dynamic name, and then in a
> dummy template file, have the possible options. Eg:
> [% menu_name=3D"Configuration"; c.loc(menu_name) %]
> Then in a dummy template file, have:
> [% c.loc("Configuration") %]
> This way xgettext.pl will always find it to put into messages.po. It means
> having to write in the dummy template all the possibilities, but it would
> have to be captured somewhere, so it might as well be in something that
> xgettext.pl can process.
> Ton
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