[Catalyst] Store something in the stash at startup
Charlie Garrison
garrison at zeta.org.au
Mon Aug 16 09:47:25 GMT 2010
Good evening,
On 16/08/10 at 11:05 AM +0300, Octavian Rasnita
<orasnita at gmail.com> wrote:
>I have a module that creates an object (a menu) and I want to
>store it in the stash when the application starts.
>Where is the recommended place to create this object and store
>it in the stash if I want that object created just once at app startup?
>Should I override a certain method in MyApp.pm and create the object there?
Does it need to be in stash? How about a method in MyApp.pm that
supplies the data? Eg.
sub menu_data {
my $self = shift; # same as $c
return {
item1 => 'some data',
Or just use some Moose goodness instead:
has "menu_data" => (
is => "ro",
isa => "HashRef",
default => sub { shift->config->{menu_data} }, #pull data
from config
And then later in your template:
[% c.menu_data.item_1 %]
If you really do want the data in the stash, then create the
object at app startup and then assign it to stash on each request:
after 'prepare_action' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->stash( menu_data => $c->menu_data_object );
Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊ <garrison at zeta.org.au>
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