[Catalyst] Transferring control via root/auto
David Schmidt
davewood at gmx.at
Tue Dec 7 16:19:54 GMT 2010
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Thompson <robt at matsch.com> wrote:
> Here is my problem,
> If a user logs in for the 1st time I want to force them to change their
> password. I have a specific action in my Users controller to handle
> that. What I'm having a problem with is (redirecting or forwarding or
> detaching - i've tried them all) from the root/auto function to my
> specific controller function. I either get an internal server error or
> page isn't redirecting properly, depending what i use. I've put my
> logic in the root/auto because regardless of the request changing their
> password is mandatory.
> Here is my current root/auto using redirect.
> sub auto : Private {
> my ($self, $c) = @_;
> if ($c->user_exists()&& $c->check_any_user_role('User')
> && $c->user->changePassword ) {
> $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for($c->controller('Users')->action_for('loginedit'),
> [$c->user->id] ));
> $c->detach();
> }
> return 1;
> }
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Rob T
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I wouldn't put that into an auto method. I remember t0m saying that
you can use Chained Dispatchtype instead of auto most of the time.
Anyways, the error message of your devel server would sure help
finding the problem.
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