[Catalyst] more thoughts on $c->foward

Tommy Butler ace at tommybutler.me
Fri Feb 12 19:10:37 GMT 2010

Recently on irc.perl.org I placed a few questions, and in order to not
miss out on any valuable insight from those here on the list who do not
frequent the irc.perl.org #catalyst channel I thought I'd place the same
matter before your attention here as well.

So, whaddayathink friends?

<tommy> i was involved with a thread on the catalyst mailing list a few
weeks ago, where I talked about forwarding at length...  It was stated
that the most powerful way to do it was like so
<tommy> that just seems like overkill.  what benefit do I get from that?
<tommy> this is so much shorter: $c->forward(Helper::Ajax =>
nocache_headers => []);
<tommy> does this give you something special that I'm missing? 

Tommy Butler

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