[Catalyst] C::V::Email::Template cannot send data ...

Kiffin Gish kiffin.gish at planet.nl
Sat Jan 9 15:53:20 GMT 2010

Been struggling most of the afternoon trying to figure this out but to
no avail, hopefully someone can help me.

For registration of new users I've decided to expand upon the MojoMojo
example, using Catalyst::View::Email::Template. Trying to send email
results in the following error:

The following error(s) occurred: Caught exception in
MyApp::View::Email::Template->process "Can't send data
at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Catalyst/Action.pm line 65"

The lib/MyApp/View/Email/Template.pm file looks like this:
package MyApp::View::Email::Template;

use strict;
use base 'Catalyst::View::Email::Template';

In MyApp.pm I have:
    'View::Email::Template' => {
        stash_key => 'email',
        template_prefix => 'mail',
        sender => {
            mailer => 'SMTP',

In my Registration controller action register I've got:
     secret => md5_hex( $user->email . $c->pref('entropy') ),
     email  => {
         from     => 'kiffin.gish at planet.nl',
         to       => 'kiffin.gish at planet.nl',
         subject  => $c->pref('name') . ' Registration request',
         template => 'register.tt2',

$c->forward( $c->view('Email::Template') );
if ( scalar( @{ $c->error } ) ) {
    $c->stash->{error_message} = 'The following error(s) occurred: ' .
join(', ', @{ $c->error } );

The template is located in root/src/mail/register.tt2, and in Myapp.pm:
    'View::TT' => {
        TEMPLATE_EXTENSION => '.tt2',
        INCLUDE_PATH => [
            I4::Web->path_to( 'root', 'src' ),
            I4::Web->path_to( 'root', 'src', 'page' ),
            I4::Web->path_to( 'root', 'lib' ),

I made a simple test script to verify that indeed I can send email and
it works fine:

use strict;
use warnings;

use Email::Send;

my $message = <<'__MESSAGE__';
To: kiffin.gish at planet.nl
From: kiffin.gish at planet.nl
Subject: Test email

This is a boring test email.

my $sender = Email::Send->new({mailer => 'SMTP'});
$sender->mailer_args([Host => 'localhost']);

Am very curious if anyone can spot the problem.

Kiffin Gish <Kiffin.Gish at planet.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands

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