[Catalyst] HOWTO: order_by a field in a related record, for
will at serensoft.com
will at serensoft.com
Sat Jun 12 19:43:58 GMT 2010
Ah, after adding "join =3D> 'team'" (and tweaking fields to distinguish me.*
items) that did the trick, thanks!
$team_ids =3D [
map { "me.team" =3D> $_ } @id_list
my $users =3D $c->model('My::User')
->search_rs( $team_ids, {
join =3D> 'team',
order_by =3D> [ qw/team.name me.lastname me.firstname/ ],
} );
Excellent, thanks!
On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Octavian Rasnita <orasnita at gmail.com>wrote:
> You can use an order_by block like:
> order_by =3D> [
> {-asc =3D> 'team.name'},
> {-asc =3D> 'me.lastname'},
> {-asc =3D> 'me.firstname'},
> ],
> Or, if there is -asc for everyone, you can use:
> order_by =3D> ['team.name', 'me.firstname', 'me.lastname'],
> In the order_by blocks you need to use the names of the columns as they a=
> used in the generated SQL query. For finding those names, use
> HTH.
> Octavian
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-- =
will trillich
"I think it would be worse to expect nothing than to be disappointed." --
Anne (with an 'e') Shirley
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