[Catalyst] Empty pdf file/ using Catalyst::View::PDF::Reuse

Lupin Deterd lupindeterd at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 08:51:36 GMT 2010

I'm using View::PDF::Reuse to create/generate pdf, and though it
successfully create one but it's empty, following is code/template.

-- code --
       $c->stash->{list} = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'];
       $c->stash->{pdf_disposition} = 'attachment';
       $c->stash->{pdf_filename}    = 'receipt.pdf';
       $c->stash->{pdf_template}    = 'order/receipt.tt2';
       $c->detach( $c->view('PDF::Reuse') );


-- template/receipt.tt2 --

[% pdf.prFont('Helvetica-Bold') %]
[% pdf.prFontSize(50) %]

[% y = 500 %]
 [% FOREACH item IN list %]
  [% pdf.prText(100,y,item) %]
  [% y = y - 13 %]
 [% END %]

Thanks in advance for any hints.


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