[Catalyst] Making a hash available across the application
J. Shirley
jshirley at gmail.com
Wed Mar 17 18:04:35 GMT 2010
On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Dermot <paikkos at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sure there is a way but it's not jumping out at me.
> I have a list of countries and their associated database ID's that I
> need to stash in the header of (almost) every page on a site. I have
> no problems creating a controller that can do
> $c->model(DB::Countries)->search({foo=>1}) and stick that into a
> $c->stash but I don't want to make repeated DB calls. I'd like to
> create a hash at startup and make it available to
> root/lib/site/header. Is it possible to create a hash within
> lib/MyApp.pm that will be available throughout and how would my
> templates access it?
> TIA,
> Dp.
You can quite easily create accessors off the schema, and use lazy_build.
Something like this:
package MyApp::Schema;
use Moose;
extends 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
has something => (
is => ro,
lazy_build => 1
sub _build_something {
my ( $self ) = @_;
[ $self->resultset('Countries')->search({ foo => 1 })->all ];
no Moose;
Then after that if you wish, you can do clear_something and it will be
(Code untested, typed out quickly)
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