[Catalyst] DBIC connecting to remote MySQL
dan at entropy.homelinux.org
Sun May 23 13:39:12 GMT 2010
Hi Robert. Thanks for the response :) Comments inline.
On Sun, 2010-05-23 at 07:50 -0500, Robert Wohlfarth wrote:
> On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 6:38 AM, Dan <dan at entropy.homelinux.org>
> wrote:
> __PACKAGE__->config(
> schema_class => 'EasySaver',
> connect_info => {
> dsn => 'dbi:mysql:dbname=EasySaver;host=archeopteryx',
> user => 'username',
> password => 'password',
> AutoCommit => q{1},
> }
> );
> [snip...]
> Couldn't load class (EasySaver) because: Couldn't instantiate
> component
> "EasySaver::Model::ESDB", "Attribute (schema_class) does not
> pass the
> type constraint because: Validation failed for
> 'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema::Types::SchemaClass' failed
> with value
> EasySaver
> at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/i686-linux-thread-multi/Moose/Meta/Attribute.pm line 746
> You may want to try a different "schema_class". When you generated the
> model, it should also have created a "Schema.pm" file. Put that
> package name (not file name, the package name) in "schema_class". At
> least, this is what worked in my setup.
Interesting. I *didn't* get a Schema.pm file when I generated the model.
I don't know what this file is for, but if it has info on the schema,
then maybe this didn't get generated because the args I supplied to the
create script weren't sufficient for connecting ( as per my original
post ... no docs on accessing remote databases ). I tried regenerating
( without first deleting ) the model:
dan at sabayon:~/src/EasySaver$ script/easysaver_create.pl model ESDB
DBIC::Schema EasySaver dbi:mysql:EasySaver:archeopteryx 'username'
'password' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }'
exists "/home/dan/src/EasySaver/script/../lib/EasySaver/Model"
exists "/home/dan/src/EasySaver/script/../t"
exists "/home/dan/src/EasySaver/script/../lib/EasySaver/Model/ESDB.pm"
exists "/home/dan/src/EasySaver/script/../t/model_ESDB.t"
dan at sabayon:~/src/EasySaver$
So there's no attempt to create a Schema.pm file on this attempt either.
> I say that because of the error message. The first paragraph of output
> contains the actual error message. The rest of that is a stack trace
> that you don't need for this issue.
> Catalyst uses something called "Moose". Moose adds shortcuts for
> quickly building object oriented packages. It's very cool stuff. Moose
> offers limited type checking. Moose reported a mis-match in the type
> it expected versus the type it received.
> "schema_class" eventually becomes an object attribute. Moose thinks
> that "schema_class" should be set to an instance of type
> "Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema::Types::SchemaClass". The "EasySchema"
> from the configuration file is not from the Catalyst::Model::DBIC
> hierarchy.
> --
> Robert Wohlfarth
Thanks for the explanation.
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