[Catalyst] Accessing DB from external model
Mike Raynham
catalyst at mikeraynham.co.uk
Fri Nov 5 12:04:31 GMT 2010
On 05/11/10 11:43, Hernan Lopes wrote:
> Mike,
> also, if you havent already, take a look on Catalyst::Tutorial , in my
> opinion its by far the best documentation to begin with catalyst.
> http://search.cpan.org/~zarquon/Catalyst-Manual-5.8005/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/01_Intro.pod
> On 11/5/10, Mike Raynham<catalyst at mikeraynham.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 05/11/10 10:10, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
>>> From: "Mike Raynham"<catalyst at mikeraynham.co.uk>
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am fairly new to all things Perl and Catalyst, and would like to
>>>> know if what I am attempting to do is correct.
>>>> I've recently finished reading 'The Definitive Guide to Catalyst',
>>>> which has been very helpful, but I am still a little confused about
>>>> separating my business logic from my Catalyst application, and
>>>> accessing the database connection from my non-Catalyst application.
>>>> At the moment, I have my external class in the lib/MyApp directory. It
>>>> uses the connection info found in MyApp::Model::DB, like so:
>>>> ---
>>>> # lib/MyApp/MyExternalClass.pm
>>>> MyApp::MyExternalClass
>>>> use MyApp::Model::DB;
>>>> use MyApp::Schema;
>>>> my $connect_info = MyApp::Model::DB->config->{connect_info};
>>>> my $schema = MyApp::Schema->connect( $connect_info );
>>>> # Do stuff with $schema...
>>>> ---
>>>> That works, and I can connect to the database. However, I have
>>>> searched this mailing list, and found this:
>>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk/msg00817.html
>>>> Here, the connection information is moved from MyApp::Model::DB to
>>>> MyApp::DB, and then Catalyst::Model::Adaptor is used to glue
>>>> MyApp::Model::DB to MyApp::DB. Is it a good idea? MyApp::Model::DB
>>>> appears to be part of the Catalyst application, so if I want to access
>>>> the database from an external model, it makes sense to me to move the
>>>> connection code outside of the Catalyst application.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Mike
>>> The best idea would be to put the connection information in the
>>> application's config file like in the example below. (This example uses
>>> a Perl data structure, but you can use any configuration type accepted
>>> by Config::Any).
>>> 'Model::DB' => {
>>> schema_class => 'MyApp::Schema',
>>> connect_info => {
>>> dsn => 'dbi:Oracle:host=;port=1521;sid=ora8',
>>> user => 'user',
>>> password => "password",
>>> #name_sep => '.',
>>> LongReadLen => 100*1024*1024,
>>> LongTruncOk => 1,
>>> on_connect_call => 'datetime_setup',
>>> on_connect_do => [
>>> "alter session set NLS_COMP='LINGUISTIC'",
>>> "alter session set NLS_SORT='BINARY_AI'",
>>> ],
>>> },
>>> },
>>> The model will access the connection information directly if it is
>>> defined in the config file, and you can use the data from this config
>>> file in any other external program.
>>> You can use the module Config::JFDI for using the Catalyst config file
>>> easier.
>>> Octavian
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for the speedy response. When you put it like like, it all seems
>> so simple and obvious :-)
>> Config::JFDI looks handy - I'll take a look at that.
>> Regards,
>> Mike
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Thanks. That's where I started my venture into Perl and Catalyst, and
it too was very helpful. With this question of separating my model from
the Catalyst app, I had just overlooked the obvious.
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