[Catalyst] Begginer's question about application structure

Martin Bendix martinbendix at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Nov 23 07:47:36 GMT 2010

>From: Sir Robert Burbridge <rburbrid at cisco.com>
>To: The elegant MVC web framework <catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
>Sent: Mon, 22 November, 2010 17:20:16
>Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Begginer's question about application structure
> I use DBIx::Class with multiple interfaces in the same app; this is the 
> structure I've found most useful so far:
>     ### the lib dir.
>     lib/
>     ### MyApp stores everything relevant to my app
>     lib/MyApp
>     ### "MyApp::Web" stores the web interface
>     lib/MyApp/Web
>     lib/MyApp/Web/Model
>     lib/MyApp/Web/View
>     lib/MyApp/Web/Controller
>     ### HTML::FormHandler forms that are web-specific.
>     lib/MyApp/Web/Form
>     ### Stores db stuff for DBIx::Class.
>     lib/MyApp/Schema/
>     ### Normal DBIx::Class schema, results, and resultsets
>     lib/MyApp/Schema/MyApp
>     lib/MyApp/Schema/MyApp/Result
>     lib/MyApp/Schema/MyApp/ResultSet
>     ### Schema/Result and Schema/ResultSet contain things like Moose roles
>     ### that I want to apply to multiple models, but that really only make
>     ### sense in the context of this application.
>     lib/MyApp/Schema/Result
>     lib/MyApp/Schema/ResultSet
>     ### A namespace for script based access to the app
>     lib/MyApp/Script
>     lib/MyApp/Script/User
>     lib/MyApp/Script/User/Create.pm
>     lib/MyApp/Script/Report
>     lib/MyApp/Script/Report/Documentation.pm
>     ### Libs specific to the CLI
>     lib/MyApp/CLI
>     ### Tests
>     t
>     ### Store
>     t/lib
> A couple of notes:
> The contents of lib/MyApp/Script are scripts that use MooseX::GetOpt.  I 
> added a helper script in script/myapp_utils.pl that allows me to do this 
> (this is mock output, but you get the idea).  In the example below, it 
> scans through the following namespaces in order:  MyApp::Script, 
> $ENV{MYAPP_SCRIPT_NAMESPACE}, CatalystX::Script, Catalyst::Script; 
> looking for ::Schema::Loader.
>     ### Run with no arguments
>     $ ./script/myapp_utils.pl
>     Available scripts:
>        Report::Testing
>        Report::Documentation
>        Schema::Loader
>        User::Create
>        User::Modify
>        ...
>     $ ./script/myapp_utils.pl Schema::Loader
>     An error has occurred: Required option missing: username
>     usage: myapp_utils.pl [-?bdnpu] [long options...]
>          -? --usage --help          Prints this usage information.
>          -u --usr --user --username  A username with which to log into
>     the db
>          -p --pwd --pass --password  A password with which to log into
>     the db
>          -b --db --dsn              The DSN of the source database (e.g.
>     "dbi:mysql:myapp")
>          -d --dir --directory       a directory into which to install
>     the schema
>          -n --namespace             the path to a directory
>     $ ./script/myapp_utils.pl Schema::Loader \
>     --user      ogopogo                      \
>     --pass      vonmugwumpus                 \
>     --dsn       dbi:mysql:my_db              \
>     --dir       lib                          \
>     --namespace MyApp::Schema::MyApp
>     Creating schema ... done.
>     $
> Web forms are stored in the path like Halifax::Web::Form::CD::Create 
> (create a new CD from the script interface).
> FWIW =)
> -Sir


Thanks for taking the time to put this information together.  There is some very 
useful advice and ideas in there which I will take on board.  MooseX::GetOpt 
looks very handy, and it's this sort of information - the tips and tricks of the 
professionals if you like - that really help to advance the skills and knowledge 
of others.




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