[Catalyst] Re: Moose/Object error in Catalyst
Sir Robert Burbridge
rburbrid at cisco.com
Wed Oct 13 15:10:59 GMT 2010
On 10/01/2010 02:06 PM, Gavin Aiken wrote:
>> [Thu Sep 30 19:57:59 2010] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: =
>> stderr: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at =
>> /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Moose/Object.=
pm =
>> line 39.
>> Any ideas what is causing it? I've tried to debug it but haven't =
>> managed to figure it out myself yet. If I roll back to the previous =
>> version of the table classes without the Moose stuff the error goes =
>> away - but I don't want to do that!
> I just discovered that if I keep the Moose stuff at the top of the =
> table classes, but comment out the line:
> __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
> at the bottom of all of them, the "Odd number of elements" error stops =
> happening. I still don't know why, or if this is a BAD THING to do - =
> if anyone can offer any advice I'd be grateful.
> ps I've posted this to the Catalyst list rather than DBIx::Class, =
> because I can use the Moose-ified schema outside of Catalyst without =
> getting any errors. I'm not sure if this really is therefore a =
> Catalyst error, but as that's the only place I see the error it seemed =
> like the best place to start asking for help.
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I know this is a little late, but it may be of some small use:
I notice that the relevant bit of Moose::Object (line 39 from the error =
you got) says:
28 sub BUILDARGS {
29 my $class =3D shift;
30 if ( scalar @_ =3D=3D 1 ) {
31 unless ( defined $_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ) {
32 Class::MOP::class_of($class)->throw_error(
33 "Single parameters to new() must be a HASH ref",
34 data =3D> $_[0] );
35 }
36 return { %{ $_[0] } };
37 }
38 else {
* 39 return {@_};*
40 }
41 }
Based on that, it looks like some object is trying to instantiate with =
an odd number of args, but not just one arg. Something like
my $obj =3D My::Awesome::Moose::Class->new(a=3D>1, b=3D>2, 'c');
The check in line 30 checks if there was just one arg. Probably, it =
should do something more like
--- Object.old.pm 2010-10-13 11:03:48.000000000 -0400
+++ Object.new.pm 2010-10-13 11:07:15.000000000 -0400
@@ -35,9 +35,11 @@
return { %{ $_[0] } };
- else {
- return {@_};
+ elsif (scalar @_ % 2) {
+ warn "all args should be paired values (e.g. a=3D>1), not: @_";
+ return {@_};
or maybe croak or something.
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