[Catalyst] How to get from
will trillich
will.trillich at serensoft.com
Sat Sep 18 20:59:01 GMT 2010
Thanks, Tom --
But this apparently isn't a result-class, or I'm just missing something
DB<<5>> p __PACKAGE__
DB<<7>> p "$self"
DB<<8>> p $self->resultset
Can't locate object method "resultset" via package
Working from the context of a Catalyst app, I'm not sure I'd be able to
properly abstract the right question for the DBIC list (or be able to apply
the answer back to my concrete catalyst app). :) Folks on this list have
been delightfully helpful despite us newbie-questions, especially you...
Plus, being rather new to Catalyst, it's difficult to see where the edges
are between Catalyst, DBIC and Moose.
On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Tomas Doran <bobtfish at bobtfish.net> wrote:
> On 18 Sep 2010, at 17:00, will trillich wrote:
> So the real question is, how do we get from $self to ->find() ?
> From a result class, $self->resultset->find is probably what you want.
> You should also probably be asking questions about DBIx::Class on the
> DBIx::Class list, not the Catalyst list.
> Cheers
> t0m
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