[Catalyst] best practices for handling forms?
Hernan Lopes
hernanlopes at gmail.com
Mon Sep 20 23:09:56 GMT 2010
perl Catalyst Forms with Formhandler and Thickbox:
You know you dont always need a template.tt2 file... this is useful with
ajax (especially with thickbox) so you can pass a scalar as template, so you
end up with:
$c->stash( template =3D> $form->render, current_view =3D> 'Ajax', );
1. You could create an Ajax view.
2. Or you can set body content directly.
This way you skip creating TT files for forms and render them directly into
the $c->res->body or $c->stash( template =3D> \'foo baz')
If you use something like thickbox, you can render any $form directly into a
Its very handy!
For example:
action =3D> {
edit =3D> { Chained =3D> 'base', Args =3D> 1, },
sub base : Chained('/') PathPart('foobar') CaptureArgs(0) {}
sub edit :Action {
my ( $self, $c, $foobar_id ) =3D @_;
my $form =3D HTML::FormHandler->new(
schema =3D> 'DBSchema::Foo',
params =3D> $c->req->params,
field_list =3D> $self->form_fields($c),
if( $c->req->method eq 'POST' && $form->process() ) {
} else {
#OPTION 1 (create an Ajax View and create a wrapper for it. Then render
the form into stash template var):
template =3D> \$form->render,
current_view =3D> 'Ajax',
#OPTION 2 (set your content type and charset and render the form into the
body, needs no view/TT files):
$c->res->content_type('text/html charset=3Dutf-8');
sub form_fields {
return [
field_one =3D> {
type =3D> 'Text',
label =3D> '...',
css_class =3D> '...',
maxlength =3D> 160,
required =3D> 1,
required_message =3D> 'Required Text',
submit =3D> {
type =3D> 'Submit',
value =3D> 'Save',
css_class =3D> '...',
and DRY on edit & update unless necessary...
1. If there is an argument its "update?"
2. Else, when it has no args then its "edit/new" ?
use your foregin_key_id and $form('foregin_key_id')->value =3D '...' to set=
, then formhandler will know whether to update or create a new entry.
Take care,
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 6:48 PM, E R <pc88mxer at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am curious what everyone thinks as being the best practices for
> handling forms in Catalyst. Are there any Catalyst applications you
> have run across which are good examples of how to use Catalyst's
> features to handle forms?
> To illustrate what I am getting at, below is typical Rails (v2)
> controller code which implements updating the attributes of an object:
> def edit
> @book =3D Book.find(params[:id])
> @subjects =3D Subject.find(:all)
> end
> def update
> @book =3D Book.find(params[:id])
> if @book.update_attributes(params[:book])
> flash[:notice] =3D 'Book successfully updated.'
> redirect_to :action =3D> 'show', :id =3D> @book
> else
> @subjects =3D Subject.find(:all)
> render :action =3D> 'edit'
> end
> end
> In Catalyst, this would be appear something like (and please correct
> me if I have made any errors here):
> sub edit :Args(1) {
> my ($self, $c, $id) =3D @_;
> ... set up $c->stash for template 'edit' ...
> # no need to set $c->stash->{template} - will be set from the current
> action
> }
> sub update :Args(1) {
> my ($self, $c, $id) =3D @_;
> ...process form...
> if (form is valid) {
> ...perform updates...
> $c->flash->{notice} =3D 'Book successfully updated.';
> $c->res->redirect('show', $id);
> } else {
> ... set up $c->stash for 'edit' template ...
> $c->stash->{template} =3D 'edit';
> }
> }
> Any comments on this architecture? Is there a better way? My main problems
> are:
> 1. The code ... set up $c->stash for 'edit' template ... is duplicated
> in both edit and update (which is also true for the Rails code).
> 2. Having the template name defaulted from the current action is nice,
> but that means we have to explicitly set it in the update method. Is
> it better to always explicitly set the template name in a controller
> method? Then update could perform a $c->detach('edit', $id) or would
> you use $c->go('edit', $id)?
> Thanks,
> ER
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