[Catalyst] Caching SQL results for speed...?
will trillich
will.trillich at serensoft.com
Wed Apr 13 05:42:17 GMT 2011
Mostly thinking out loud here... but we welcome feedback if we're off
Okay, after some perl -D:NTYProf tester.pl with 200 iterations:
70% of the time is taken up in five modules:
1) SQL::Abstract
2) DBIx::Class::ResultSet
3) Class::Accessor::Grouped
4) DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI
5) HTML::FormHandler::Field
...because in 200 iterations they were called millions of times each. (The
form requested has several select/option menus.)
Most of the data won't change rapidly -- e.g. client lists, countries,
employees just to populate a few popup menus -- so it seems like an
opportunity to benefit from caching the results, and only invalidating the
cache when a new record gets updated/deleted/added. Whole tables could be
cached without having to return to SQL/DBIC for every form-screen.
So we're looking for documentation on a best-of-breed approach for doing
this in a Catalyst environment...
Looking at Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::Caching it looks like
you specify when the cache will expire:
$c->model('DB::Table')->search({ foo =3D> 'bar' }, { cache_for =3D> 18000 }=
whereas we would prefer being able to invalidate-cache-for-table-XYZ-now.
Aha, DBIx::Class::Cursor::Cached does include a
method, we'll be tinkering with that, next!
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 8:14 AM, will trillich
<will.trillich at serensoft.com>wrote:
> Thanks for the tips, Peter -- and for
> http://dragonstaff.blogspot.com/2009/05/testing-with-perl-catalyst.html!
> Got some cranking to do...
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 2:30 AM, Peter Edwards <peter at dragonstaff.co.uk>w=
>> On 12 April 2011 02:53, will trillich <will.trillich at serensoft.com>wrote:
>>> Hi folks -- this may be more of a FormHandler question than a Catalyst
>>> question but I thought I'd check here to see if it's just us:
>>> We've been using HTML::FormHandler and are basically happy with it...
>>> until the performance issue mentioned below hit us. Any Catalystas runn=
>>> into 50-second turnaround time with H:FH?
>>> [info] Request took 51.956100s (0.019/s)
>>> .------------------------------------------------------------+---------=
>>> | Action | Time
>>> |
>>> +------------------------------------------------------------+---------=
>>> | /auto | 0.000181s
>>> |
>>> | /auth | 0.001857s
>>> |
>>> | /ticket/base | 0.004652s
>>> |
>>> | /ticket/item | 0.005865s
>>> |
>>> | /ticket/edit | 51.88091s
>>> |
>>> | Base:EDIT | 51.88050s
>>> |
>>> | get FORM | 0.000078s
>>> |
>>> | process FORM | *
>>> 51.87286s* |
>>> | /end | 0.000290s
>>> |
>>> '------------------------------------------------------------+---------=
>>> Turnaround time ranges from 6 seconds to 50+ seconds, with no discernab=
>>> pattern to the delay. (We can edit the same record multiple times and g=
>>> wildly differing lags.)
>>> Run your test server with perl -d:NYTProf myapp.pl and see which
>> routines use the time http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Devel::NYTProf .
>> Maybe it is blocking on DNS network lookups.
>> Or if the time isused around the database calls, run with DBIC_TRACE=3D1
>> perl myapp.pl and watch and see which are the slow ones, then run your
>> database query optimiser like EXPLAIN SELECT foo;
>> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/explain.html
>> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/sql-explain.html
>> Are other processes/users accessing the same database? If so check for
>> lock competition. Also disk space.
>> Regards, Peter
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> --
> 11 cheers for binary!
-- =
11 cheers for binary!
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