[Catalyst] Caching SQL results for speed...?
Hernan Lopes
hernanlopes at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 17:53:58 GMT 2011
i remember you mentioned something about many to many select options, try
disabling those.. and then does the form works faster?
if so, then the problem is mostly like in there ... try populating your
options manually
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 1:15 PM, will trillich
<will.trillich at serensoft.com>wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 1:19 AM, Darren Duncan <darren at darrenduncan.net>w=
> will trillich wrote:
>>> 70% of the time is taken up in five modules:
>>> 1) SQL::Abstract
>>> 2) DBIx::Class::ResultSet
>>> 3) Class::Accessor::Grouped
>>> 4) DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI
>>> 5) HTML::FormHandler::Field
>>> ...because in 200 iterations they were called millions of times each.
>>> (The form requested has several select/option menus.)
>> So, several 5000s (millions / 200) of calls for a single screen? That
>> sounds like a lot for one screen. Do you need that much? -- Darren Dunc=
> My question is similar -- why five thousand or more calls for rendering o=
> page? The code does simple things like
> my $form =3D $self->form;
> # parse_form_for_numerics():
> # change any $1,234 to 1234, parse 12-apr-09 to a date 2009-04-12, etc
> # and stuff results into $c->req->params
> &parse_form_for_numerics( $c, $form );
> my $processed =3D $form->process(
> item =3D> $item,
> params =3D> $c->req->params,
> );
> if ( $form->has_errors) { ... }
> return unless $processed;
> # since we're testing rendering a fresh page there's no processing, that's
> it
> So why would this simple code generate 5,000+ calls to SQL::Abstract
> methods
> or to DBIx::Class::Resultset methods? Even commenting-out
> #parse_form_for_numerics()
> it's about the same. Still looking into this.
> --
> 11 cheers for binary!
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