[Catalyst] building 'local' lib with dependencies for shipping
Nicholas Wehr
catalyst at bionikchickens.com
Tue Apr 26 23:29:39 GMT 2011
Shipwright is not a silver bullet - it has issues of its own. For catalyst
projects I created a dependency finder that issues shipwright import
commands. on top of that, shipwright is not forgiving with regards to build
errors, for example - a non-uniform Makefile.PL of a CPAN dependency might
break it... there are ways to tweak a known dependency - but is a pain with
fully automated build systems.
for the error you listed - I see this when I try to add a module to an
existing shipyard and then rebuild an existing vessel. when this error
happens - I think it means that the shipwright_builder is failing because
its required cache of in-memory-references-in-the-vessel has been lost from
the previous vessel build-up. I don't have a good solution here except to
delete the whole vessel and issue another build command (keep the shipyard
anyone else using shipwright for catalyst? any other
dep management solutions? how about a higher level solution like Apache Ivy?
I'm a fan of CPAN - but its not exactly a configuration management dream, is
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Fernan Aguero <fernan.aguero at gmail.com>wro=
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Nicholas Wehr
> <catalyst at bionikchickens.com> wrote:
> > a local::lib alternative is Shipwright; created by Best Practical the
> makers
> > of RT defect tracker. its worth checking out as it does exactly what
> you're
> > trying to do.
> Nicholas,
> thanks for your suggestion. I installed Shipwright and followed the
> docs, and got started: shipwright imported my sources, identified
> dependencies (not all of them, though) and downloaded the
> corresponding packages from CPAN.
> After that I ran the shipwright-builder script, and this went OK
> through all the identified dependencies, but failed at the last step,
> when attempting to build my catalyst app.
> I'm clearly missing something. The 2 things I can see are:
> i) I need to tell Shipwright what other dependencies are required by
> my app. Currently the dependencies identified are a minimal list of
> what I'd call 'base' dependencies. They do not include all the more
> specific Catalyst subcomponents (plugins), nor DBIx::Class and its
> subclasses, Template Toolkit, etc.
> Where do I specify these? In my app Makefile? In a Shipwright config file?
> ii) it seems like I need to first create a Makefile for my app? I
> never did that ... I have a very basic skeleton created by the
> catalyst.pl helper script, but after that initial skeleton, I started
> coding away and using the 'lib' within my app 'as is' without taking
> care of creating tests, or editing the Makefile.PL file.
> Is this the reason of Shipwright failing to build my app? What should
> I do to fix this?
> Thanks in advance for any further help,
> Cheers,
> --
> fernan
> PS: last lines of output from shipwright-builder
> [...]
> Use of uninitialized value in string at ./bin/shipwright-builder line 560.
> build tdrtargets test part failed, last output of build.log is:
> Non-zero exit status: 1
> t/controller_user.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
> Failed test: 3
> Non-zero exit status: 1
> t/controller_userinput.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
> Failed test: 3
> Non-zero exit status: 1
> t/model_mesh.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
> Failed test: 1
> Non-zero exit status: 1
> t/model_targets.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
> Failed test: 1
> Non-zero exit status: 1
> t/model_weightmodel.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
> Failed test: 1
> Non-zero exit status: 1
> Files=3D12, Tests=3D21, 26 wallclock secs ( 0.09 usr 0.02 sys + 1=
> cusr 1.14 csys =3D 19.03 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> Failed 9/12 test programs. 9/21 subtests failed.
> make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 1
> at ./bin/shipwright-builder line 573
> main::_install('tdrtargets', 'GLOB(0x93606d8)') called at
> ./bin/shipwright-builder line 412
> main::install() called at ./bin/shipwright-builder line 276
> exit
> Script done, file is shipwright-builder.out
> --
> fernan
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