[Catalyst] Best practices for extending DBIC model
Ian.Docherty at nomura.com
Ian.Docherty at nomura.com
Thu Jul 14 14:28:34 GMT 2011
First of all this is a Catalyst mailing list, not really a DBIC mailing list. :)
However, if I understand your problem. Assuming you have created your DBIC schema outside of Catalyst, you will have classes something like MyApp::DB::Result::Clients and MyApp::DB::ResultSet::Clients
The MyApp::DB::ResultSet::Clients is where you create your code that does your grouped_clients method. E.g.
package MyApp::DB::ResultSet::Clients;
sub grouped_clients {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my @all_clients = $self->search($args);
for my $client (@clients) {
# massage your $client here
return @all_clients;
Then you just call $c->model('DB::Clients')->grouped_clients;
Or have I missed your point?
From: Eric Wright [mailto:ewright at linescale.com]
Sent: 14 July 2011 14:59
To: The elegant MVC web framework
Subject: [Catalyst] Best practices for extending DBIC model
Any input/comments on best practices for extending a DBIC model? I have a DBIC schema that for the most part does what I need it to do. I find where I need model specific enhancements I can easily extend the schema objects themselves keeping the data centric code out of my controller layer. What I'm struggling with is how best to handle things at a higher level - i.e. modifying the resultsets themselves.
e.g. say I have a Clients table and I want to get *all* clients in the system and then massage them in some way. I cannot do this with simple SQL or DBIC joins. I can extend Clients.pm for level stuff but what I really need is a way to extend the DBIx::Class::ResultSet object that is returned by $c->model('DB::Clients') so that that I can perform something like the following:
my @clients = $c->model('DB::Clients')->grouped_clients;
I'm using Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema. Is there a preferred way to hook into the result set to customize things the way I need?
Or do I just create a new model altogether and call the schema from that model?
my @clients = $c->model('MyNewModel')->grouped_clients;
I dunno. The second method just seems a little kludgey to me unless I make it a complete wrapper around my DBIC schema. Any insight into how you guys build your apps would be most appreciated.
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