[Catalyst] Cache of unchanging content

will trillich will.trillich at serensoft.com
Wed Mar 2 17:35:23 GMT 2011

Here's our current dev-to-deploy approach -- we use mercurial and a
three-step staging process:

A) sandbox/dev server:

dev-server$ vi lib/*/blah/yadda
dev-server$ CATALYST_DEBUG=3D1 script/*_server.pl

test dev-server:3000 plenty -- lots of iterating, and then prep for

dev-server$ hg addremove
dev-server$ perl Makefile.PL
dev-server$ make manifest
dev-server$ hg ci -m "log message here"

now, on deployment server:

B) live environment, sandbox port 3000:

deploy$ hg fetch
deploy$ CATALYST_DEBUG=3D0 script/*_server.pl

now we test deploy:3000 and if all is well...

C) full "live" deployment:

deploy$ perl Makefile.PL && make
deploy$ sudo make install && sudo apache2ctl graceful

Pretty sweet so far!

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Tomas Doran <bobtfish at bobtfish.net> wrote:

> On 2 Mar 2011, at 05:43, John M. Dlugosz wrote:
>  On 3/1/2011 9:58 AM, Bill Moseley moseley-at-hank.org |Catalyst/Allow to
>> home| wrote:
>>> At build time I minimize and compress css and js (and images) and combi=
>>> into single files grouped by page(s).  They could be pre-processed by TT
>>> very easily.  The final file names include an MD5 of their content
>>> forcing a
>>> re-fetch only if they ever change.
>> So you added that to the makefile somehow?  I take it the generated name
>> must be supplied to the page's template once it is known.  I'd like to l=
>> more about your system.
> Yes, you can append things to the Makefile to
>  So if you make a small change, you have to re-install the whole app?  If
>> the file name changes, I can't just use Unison to sync the directory on =
>> production server.
> Yes!
> Installing to production servers via rsync / unison is insane, as there is
> exactly no way of knowing what version the production server is on, with
> what bugs... Which means that all bug reports become useless - as you nev=
> know if the user was using the site before or after you fixed (or, more
> often, you think you fixed, but didn't really fix a bug)..
> Cheers
> t0m
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-- =

The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going
to stay where you are.  -- J.P.Morgan
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