[Catalyst] [ANNOUNCE] Catalyst-Runtime-5.89002-TRIAL PSGI
Catalyst - third development release
Fernan Aguero
fernan.aguero at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 21:24:00 GMT 2011
On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 7:50 AM, Florian Ragwitz <rafl at debian.org> wrote:
> Hi
> It gives me great pleasure to announce the third development release of
> the next major version of Catalyst.
> You shouldn't have to do _anything_ to upgrade
> to the new release, other than ensure your application scripts (as
> generated by catalyst.pl) to use the Catalyst::Script:: classes.
> Please test the release out and let us know how you get on.
Dear all,
please apologize if these are very stupid questions.
We have a couple of catalyst web apps running under apache/mod_perl,
and we usually test the apps during development using the
script/myapp_server.pl script.
I'd like to test the upcoming release, to make sure everything runs
smoothly and check everything well in advance of a future upgrade of
Catalyst::Runtime on our production servers.
So I've downloaded the most recent version (5.89002) and installed it
on a local prefix ($HOME/lib).
Question 1: how to I tell my local checkout of the web app to use
$HOME/lib/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst.pm instead of the system's
I've edited myapp_server.pl and added
use lib "/home/fernan/lib";
but upon firing the server using myapp_server.pl, I still see: myapp
powered by Catalyst 5.80031
Question 2: I'm at a loss with regards to PSGI, Plack et al. I've read
the docs at http://plackperl.org/, but I'm still not figuring our what
this is all about. Should I care? Would this affect how I'm currently
deploying my catalyst apps (apache/mod_perl)? Should I change (e.g.
for better performance)? I'd appreciate if someone can explain in one
or two sentences what plack/psgi is and/or why I should care, or
perhaps point me in the right directions?
Thanks a lot.
And as always, many thanks for such a great framework!
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